Saturday 31 May 2014

Inclusive Education for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education

Inclusive Education for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education

            In the decade of 1990 the emphasis was given on as education is an investment in human capital, the education should reach up to the all disadvantaged children in the world. There is a need for enabling the schools where every child with special needs has a place to acquire suitable learning experiences. Every child is the special child with special learning difficulties and better school system should e address the educational requirements of children for specific learning difficulties. Education for all is considered as the education to orphans, population out of school children, children of migrant workers, children from below poverty line families, children with disabilities etc. The term Inclusion is refereed in case of disability.
            There is a need to identify the similarities between children with disabilities and non disabled children in the learning process. The researches in multi-sensory approaches in learning reveled that lack of ability in one faculty does not totally develop the learning capabilities in the child. In the mid of 20th century the special school will remain the most accepted approach to educate the children with disabilities. The approach of effective schools emerged in the 1990, which is based on need to prepare teachers, who acquire skills to transform in the diverse needs of children in the classroom without comparing them with common children in school. Sometimes it requires the particular teaching approaches with specific children at various levels.  The teacher educator is to be assume that every child in classroom is a special child. The effect of it was that the children with disabilities were referred as the children with special needs who may require the special attention of teachers to them. In 1998 the Booth and Ainscow came to the conclusion from their extension work that, there is an exclusionary pressure in schools and their categorization contribution to the process of exclusion. Therefore the terminology of inclusion is used to denote everyone.
Approach to inclusive education in India:
1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA):
            The Govt. of India has initiated education through SSA for education to all which is the suitable approach to inclusive education which came in existence in April 2001. SSA provided the huge umbrella of education with lot of flexibility and innovation in school as inclusive education. It facets of comprehensive education such as community participation, improving teachers skills, provision f learning materials, special emphasis on disadvantaged group etc.  It is the programme to improve the various human capabilities of all children through quality education provided by community through SSA. SSA adopts zero rejection policy, so that no child is left out of the education system. SSA is providing integrated and inclusive education to all children with special needs in general schools. It supports a wide range of approaches, activities, options and strategies for education of children with special needs. This includes open learning systems, pen schools, home-based education, distance education wherever necessary, and also the remedial teaching, part time classes, night schools, community based vocational and rehabilitation education.
2. Inclusion:
            Inclusion is not a programme but an ideology proposed by SSA. It refers that the overall system of education becomes effective in order to encourage Schools for All. It provides an opportunity to every child has a place to study and teachers become facilitators of learning. It also refers the macro level education policy issue whereas for many developing nations inclusion is the only option.
3. Ideal Inclusion:
            As far as India is concerned, the ideal system of inclusion is that the general education system itself should make education of children with disabilities as its integral part. This implies that the general classroom teachers should be equipped with skills to address the educational needs of these children with minimum. It may strengthen the pre-service general teacher preparation programme by including essential component of education of children with disabilities in general curriculum. Inclusion is the process that empowers persons with disability.
4. Legislation support for inclusive education:
            For implementing the SSA in India, Govt. of India came up with comprehensive legislation to ensure educational opportunities for persons with disabilities. It acted as equal opportunities, protection of Rights and full participation in education by implementing the persons with disability Act PWD 1995. Seven types of disabilities namely blind, low vision, deaf, mentally retarded, loco motor disability, leprosy, cured and mental illness have been included in it. It attempts to empower persons with disabilities with their rights to education, rehabilitation and empowerment. The persons who have disability more than 40 percent are certified as disable. The Act provides that the state and the central Govt. shall insure free and adequate education till the age of 18 to every disabled child. It also indicates that integrated education and special schools will have to set up to meet the educational needs of children with disabilities. It indicates that Govt. should create adequate teachers training facilities to prepare teachers for special and integrated schools which will provide the support for quality enhancement in higher education in future.
            RCI is specially working to provide the large opportunity to develop the potentialities and abilities of the children with disabled. RCI has the recognition monitoring and de recognition power to enhance the quality education for children with disabled in India.  It is also providing the various types of financial supports to the institutions and the scholarships to the eligible students in the field of school education and higher and professional education. ie. Special schools, teacher education institution for special Education.
5. Developmental Issue:
            To creation of conducive environment for inclusive education to children according to their learning disabilities is becoming the emphasis to develop the quality education all over the world. It will help to provide the equal opportunity and status to disabled child.
·   The inclusive education system is fully committed for full development of human potential, sense of dignity and respect to human rights, fundamental freedom and human diversity.
·   The development by persons with disabilities of their personality, talents and creativity and physical and mental abilities up to the highest potential.
·   Enabling persons with disabilities to participate effectively in a free society.
·   Govt. has the provision to provide effective individualized measures and environment for maximum academic and social development with consistency according to goal of full inclusion.
·   Philosophical and sociological implications of inclusion for disabled is that why the segregation of disables from the general education and the society?  But the idea such as disable persons are special, they have sixth sense, these attitude made them to exclude from general stream. The sympathy towards them superseded human rights and as a result, education of disabled remained welfare activity for decades together.
·   Cultural implications and inclusive practices have various results on the education of disabled. India is a country with huge population, many official
languages, unique customs and rituals, varied dialects, still the country lies in the concept of “unity in diversity”. This has been used for centuries together, and this exemplifies the inclusive society in India. Care of others is an inherited ingredient in the Indian culture.
6. Best Practices in India:
      Education in India adopts a variety of context specific models.  These indicate to use eclectic approach in serving the persons with disability. The following prominent models are in operation in India for serving the children with disabilities.
·         Model 1: Residential Schools for persons with Disabilities: Curriculum is specially designed for them to suit their learning needs. Vocational skills are also developed in children .It is the oldest model to serve the persons with disabilities.
·         Model 2: Integrated Education- Resource Room Model: The students are enrolled in general school but the special resource teacher is appointed in school. The consultancy is provided to regular teacher in school by special resource teacher.
·         Model 3: Integrated Education- Itinerant Model: Disabled children are enrolled in general school which is located in the vicinity of the homes of the children. The visiting itinerant teacher is appointed to serve all the categories of children with disabilities.
·         Model 4: Inclusive Education: Disabled children are enrolled in general school. All general teachers are oriented to the educational needs of children with disabilities. Frequent in service programs are organized  to improve the skills of general classroom teacher in teaching the children with disabilities.
            The various approaches and development plans for Inclusive Education will provide the great support to enhance the quality of higher education to the children with disabilities for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education in India.

  1. Siddiqui M.A.,(2009)Teacher Education; New Delhi; National Council for Teacher Education.
  2. NCERT;(2000) National Curriculum framework for School Education: New Delhi, NCERT.
  3. NCTE and RCI Jt. comm. Report (2005) Strategies to formulate Special Education Tr. preparation courses, New Delhi, NCTE.


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